The Importance of Relationships: Advice from an Award-Winning Sales and Marketing Pro



创始人, 海岸咨询
NAHB的销售 & 年度最佳市场营销专家

帮助获得事业上的成功, building genuine relationships with your industry peers can provide a much-needed boost.

With more than 35 years of experience in the homes sales and marketing industry, 杰夫海岸, 海岸咨询创始人, 一个奥本, 加州.总部位于美国的新房销售培训公司,被评为 NAHB的销售 & 年度最佳市场营销专家 at 的公民 during this year’s 国际建筑商展 in Las Vegas. 

“在住宅房地产销售领域, 杰夫·肖尔不仅是个专业人士, 他是一股变革力量,莫丽·埃尔克曼分享道, president of Group Two Advertising and author of The House That She Built, 是谁提名肖尔的. 他的职业生涯跨越了30多年, 杰夫·肖尔在这个行业留下了不可磨灭的印记, 重塑销售策略, inspiring professionals and generating unprecedented revenue.”

肖尔分享了他对获奖的看法, trends he’s seeing in the home sales and marketing industry, 2021十大正规彩票平台是建立关系.

What was the first thing that came to mind when you found out you were named NAHB的销售 & 年度最佳市场营销专家?

当我的名字被宣布时 的公民, the first thing that came to my mind was all of the people that I've been blessed to work with and for over the last 35 years in this business. 我们生活在一个关系行业. The relationships that I’ve formed over the years are priceless. 

The win wasn't as much about contributions that I have made, 而是, about the years of collaboration with some very talented and wonderful people, 尤其是肖尔咨询团队的人. I like to think that we all went up on the stage together. 

Throughout your career, what role has relationship building played in your success?

We sometimes think that we're in the home building business. 我们不是. 我们做的是建立关系的生意. We can apply that to our relationship with our customers. But where it really comes into focus is the relationship with our peers, 我们的合作伙伴,甚至我们的竞争对手. 

Early in my career, I asked myself, “How am I going to do this?现在我问自己:“我能和谁一起做这件事??” I find that my greatest successes come about when I partner with really smart people.

You presented during “The Rally: An Immersive Journey Into the Future of New Home Sales” Super Session at IBS. 你现在看到的主要趋势是什么? 

I’ll tell you what I'm thinking about the most — and that’s the buyer’s journey. 对于购房者来说,这是一个令人困惑的时期. 一方面,需求是压倒性的. 另一方面, the lack of homes to see and the amount of perceived compromise that customers have to adapt to is really painful mentally. 

We need to do a better job of assuring customers that moving forward with a purchase decision is always the right thing to do. 把握市场时机从来不是一个好策略. 规则不. 1:住在合适的家里. 

How can home sales teams better communicate to buyers that purchasing a house is the right move?

他们可以从历史课开始. 在理论上, the worst time to buy a home over the last 40 years would have been 2008, 就在价格暴跌之前. But if you purchased in 2008 and you still own that home today, you're a genius. 你是这个房间里最聪明的人. 

从长远来看,买房总是有回报的. More important than that is the fact that you get a home. 一个居住的家. 一个养育孩子的家. 一个你可以根据自己的喜好定制的家. We can’t let economic fears get in the way of the true and important objective: living in the right home.

除了赢得NAHB的销售 & 年度营销专业人士奖, what were some of your favorite moments from this year’s 国际建筑商展?

I thought the education sessions were as good as anything I can remember from past shows. Add to that the level of optimism in the strength of the market and the consistent and exciting technological innovations, it makes for a thrilling time to be a part of this business.

For novice professionals just starting out in the homes sales and marketing industry, 获得成功的最佳实践是什么?

The world is full of people who are willing to do the minimum they need to do in order to get by. The most successful people that I’ve met in this business go above and beyond what they’re asked to do. 他们是贪婪的学习者. 他们举手表示自愿. 他们给予却不期望得到. If you’re new to the business, develop a distaste for stagnation. Focus on growth and contribution, and this industry will take care of you for a long, long time.

How can salespeople just starting out in their careers organically build relationships within the industry?

Building relationships takes a certain amount of bravery. 我们想找人帮忙, but there’s a filter of insecurity that often prevents us from doing so. I have always found it most effective to think through what I want to learn from someone before I approach them. 

I’ve literally written down a list of questions going into a meeting or a networking conversation. I find that people in this industry are really good at sharing their expertise. I have also found that not enough people ask in the first place. 

What advice would you give to someone who wants to make a positive impact on the industry? 

Think of the contribution you make to the business before anything else. 付出,付出,再付出. 大家的认可很好, 得奖的感觉真好, but the impact we make on the lives of others — that’s what really lasts. 


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